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Sunday, January 30, 2011

This is Bad.

Normally after he leaves to go back to school, it takes me a day to adjust, then I'm fine. Not this time.

Maybe it was because he was here for so much longer than he typically is. Or maybe it's because I was on my period and thus had the hormone induced mood swings. Or maybe I'm just really seriously over being so far away from him.

I talk to him. I pray for strength. I talk to my friends. I pray for patience. But none of it seems to be working. I just want him with me, not hundreds of miles away. I don't know why it's so much harder this time. You can only be so strong for so long. Even the most flexible branches can only bend so far before they break, and I think I'm getting to that point.

I sleep for 10 hours a day. Much more than is healthy. And it's because instead of getting up and out of bed, I go back to sleep so I can dream that he's here. I'm in a funk all day because I know he's not going to be there when I get home, and then I go to bed and I'm sad because I'm alone.

It feels worse than after my worst break up, and that's even with the comfort of speaking to him daily.

How do you continue in a situation that you simply don't have the strength to continue? I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel and don't know what to do...

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