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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

He's back... But not really.

HTB made it home from his trip out of the country! And like the amazing man he is, instead of calling to let me know he made it home okay, he stopped by my house (around 1am) to let me see he made it home okay... Getting to kiss my sweetie good night was a wonderful rare treat.

He doesn't have to go back to school for another 2 weeks, and most of that I will be off work so we can get some time together. Unfortunately, today... the first day we'd get to spend together since the couple days after Christmas... he's stuck at home in bed with a stomach virus. :( Poor baby. I feel like I should be over there to take care of him, but with that stomach bug going around his family, I really don't want to be a part of *that* particular family bonding event. He suggested that I spend the day at home, because, I quote, "you probably don't want to spend your days off throwing up." ... true enough on that one.

Still, I hate that he's sick and greedy as I am to spend time with him, I hate that the sickness is taking some of that time away from me.

He needs to get better soon. :(

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