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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Long Distance Difficulty...

Most of the time I like to think I'm handling the long distance situation currently in my relationship fairly well. I know it's necessary, and I know that once we're married we won't have to separate like this again. My practical side is very good at offering me those comforting kind of words.

However my emotional side is screaming like a 2 year old who just had her cookie taken away. And possibly needs a nap.

In other words, I know it's important and necessary for us to deal with this, but I really don't like it.

It's bad tonight. Really bad. It's only been a couple days since I've seen him, but I miss him so much it's a physical ache. I always thought that was something that only occurred in fiction novels, but now I get it. I miss his touch and his kisses. The hugs and the laughs. His voice and his smile. And that look he gets when I do something slightly obnoxious or offensive and he wants to laugh but doesn't want to encourage me.

I know six weeks isn't all that long in the grand scheme of things, but when you're on day 1 of 42, it seems like a life time. And I know I've made it through before. I can do it again, because he's worth the wait. But tonight I just want him curled up next to me snoring, then telling me he's only sleeping a little bit when I poke him.

Love endures. It has before and I'm sure it will again, but I'm so so tired of these tests.

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