Wedding Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 1 of wedding diet?

Yeah... I so fail.

Today, after a good start, I decided to make it a test day. To sort of keep track of what I'm eating, and how far off the chart I'm going so I could get an idea of where and what I need to cut.

Holy Cow. No wonder I'm so fat! Yeesh. I didn't know PBJs were so awful for a diet. I should have guessed though, since peanut butter is one of the things used in the 'weight gain' smoothies at Tropical Smoothie... BUT I WANTED TO STAY BLISSFULLY UNAWARE! I love PBJ :( and my cream cheese and chive crackers will likely need to disappear and not reappear because they are a whopping 5 points per pack.

The good news is, the popcorn I have is good stuff, only a point per serving. I'll have to double check, but if I can get that salty, buttery fix, I'll be alright.

AND there is MORE good news. HTB is making good time heading back to school, and we've got the church for the ceremony, and I made the reservations at the beach hotel for the wedding night... you know, because we're gonna spend so much time looking at the water outside... and my dentist appointment went well. THANK GOD FOR THAT because my bank account is tired of me needing to go into that money vacuum.

Everything is shaping up nicely, and the only thing that would make me happier is if HTB was here to see it. I miss him already. :(

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