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Monday, June 21, 2010

Date Night :)

For the third night in a row, I get to spend time with him. The last two nights have been amazing, in several ways. We've gotten closer, it seems, because we've actually been able to open up and discuss some things that aren't always so easy to talk about. But, also amazing, because I feel like I've been accepted into his family. Graduation parties, baby pictures, invitations to visit after he moves. It adds up to "you're part of our family now, and we want to see you."

Tonight we're going to stop by and see my mother, who will allow him a bit of revenge. Last night his mom brought out baby pictures, and so tonight my mom will do the same. It's a silly thing, but Mom's never had the opportunity to embarrass me with baby pictures before. Then we're going out to dinner, and back here for movie and snuggle time.

I will not let anything get in the way of me enjoying tonight. It has the makings of being another perfectly wonderful night, and I don't want to risk that. I'll find another time to cry. I've got 19 days before he leaves, and since I have to work stupid hours, I'll have to miss seeing him for a lot of those. I'll save the crying for another night.

Tonight, it's about us, and nothing else.

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