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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Prayer for the Day: Avoiding Sin

The topic of today's prayer is "avoiding sin"... in regards to being angry. When you are angry, it leads you to behave poorly. You call names, make threats, hurl accusations, and generally behave in a very irrational manner. The anger is not the sin, the behavior while angry is the sin.

I feel I am very lucky in this. I do get angry, everyone does. However, when I am angry, I plainly state "I am angry and not feeling very rational right now, proceed at your own risk." My husband has seen this, and he appreciates it. I am perfectly willing to discuss something that has me highly irritated a little later so I can let the bulk of the reflex anger fade, and my rational mind is not clouded by IAMSOANGRYRIGHTNOW! Screaming and yelling don't solve any problems. I am the first to admit that I get loud when I am passionate about a subject. Not so much out of anger, but more out of passion for the topic. I want you to know THIS IS HOW I FEEL.

And we do that. We talk in caps lock when we're angry. Often without use of a space bar, too. All the words run together in a loud rush of irrational verbal diarrhea. We need to keep in mind that anger is okay, poor behavior - sinning - in the face of such anger, is what gets us into trouble. Pray to keep yourself from those behaviors during an angry state, don't pray to not get angry. I doubt bottling it up is the best way to deal with it. Get angry, just don't get mean, nasty, insulting, abusive, etc.

Instead of asking God to help me from getting angry, the next time I am upset I will ask Him, as the prayer says, to "guide me away from sin until I can speak words of peace and comfort once again." I will beseech the Lord to help me be peaceful, or at least be somewhat rational instead of insulting, the next time I am angry. My husband, who is the person I interact with the most, does not need my crazy, loud, irrational drivel. He needs comfort and peace to help keep him from being distracted from his studies, even when I feel as though he has committed some wrong against me. I will pray for the strength to stay calm and rational in discussion of a disagreement or a perceived insult.

The passage quoted for this prayer is from Ephesians 4:26 (KJV) "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath."

I am assuming this is where the old saying "Don't go to bed angry" comes from. But what I find interesting is the next line, that is not quoted... "Neither give place to the devil." (From KJV)... It is in that moment when you let go of your rational side and give in to the negative emotions that the devil can jump right in and lead you astray and have a field day with the results. Your anger can have so many negative effects on the people around you.

For example, if in my anger, I said something to my husband that insulted him and made him angry, then he went off to class in a foul mood... there is great potential that he could either upset or offend someone else in the class in his anger, or simply not comprehend the lessons that were being discussed that session. Which in turn means he has a tough time with homework, and the person he made angry goes home and makes his or her spouse angry... and the chain reaction can go on and on. The devil wins, not just over you specifically, but everyone touched by the chain reaction to your anger.

This is how I interpret this prayer, and this passage. I am neither a theologian, nor a studied member of the Christian faith. Mostly I feel like the short version of this prayer could be "Dear God, please don't let me do anything stupid while I'm angry."... And that is a prayer I've said many, many times, and will likely say again. It's short, but very to the point, and I think it sums up the meaning of this prayer nicely.

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