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Friday, March 2, 2012

The Christian Atheist

In an effort to expand my horizons in this Christian faith that is so easy to claim, but so difficult to find people who actually understand it or act like it... I am going to start reading faith-based books to give myself some education, and some perspective. If I am going to be an active fixture in a congregation, it would make sense for me to understand what's going on. So many people go to church on Sunday, and forget to be Christian the rest of the week. On Sunday, they go to church, they read what they are supposed to read, say what they are supposed to say, and sing what they are supposed to sing, then go home. I know, because I used to be the same way.

Now I go to church, and though I have to read the proper wording off the paper, I mean what I say. I sing to praise, not to sing... and I hope the Lord forgives my tone-deaf attempts. I listen to the Bible passages that are read, and the sermon that is given, and try to apply it to my life. It's not always easy, and I'm not always successful, but I try and I hope that is enough.

The book I've picked up to read is called The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeshel. The teaser on the front says "Believing in God, but living as if he doesn't exist." I feel a lot of people do the same, and I don't want to be one of them. From what I gather, this book will be about the author's personal experiences, and lessons learned. Hopefully I can learn from his mistakes.

I will review each chapter as I read.

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