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Friday, March 2, 2012

Chapaters 1-3, a brief review.

Remember how in my last post I was all "I'll review every chapter..." Well, I didn't anticipate sitting down with the book and reading 70 pages without stopping. I am seriously enjoying this book. The author tells you all the things you are supposed to already know because you go to church... then explains how you are aware, you just don't comprehend fully the meaning.

What I found particularly meaningful to me was the chapter about God's love for us, and how we need to put away our shame because there is nothing we can do to make God love us less. So many people are willing to say "God loves you!" but they are not nearly as willing to say "God loves ME." I am one of them. Fully content to believe in God, but not able to accept that He could love me. Not after all I've done...

But like any real father, our Heavenly Father loves us even when we misbehave. I really need to work on believing that.

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