Wedding Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My life as an almost-wife

Ha. It hasn't really changed all that much, except now I have a reason to doodle my first name paired with his last name, and moon over wedding dresses. I have to admit, knowing that he feels that our relationship is a life time kind is making this separation a lot easier than I had suspected.

It's been almost 3 weeks, and I've only cried once, which can ostensibly be blamed on PMS and excused as simply me being in an emotional state. (Can I get away with that?)

We talk every day, about a bunch of different things. I miss him like crazy, but that's to be expected. The longer he's gone, the more I look forward to seeing him again at the end of August.

Less than 5 weeks left! When he comes home for a bit, we'll be going out to get some price and time estimates on getting my ring made. I'M SO EXCITED!

I've been feeling a little bit greedy or materialistic because I'm so into the idea of my diamond engagement ring. It's a fairly expensive little trinket, but I really want that symbol of this step in our relationship. He understands that, even though I tend to feel awful for wanting it so badly. I know he can't afford anything super expensive at the moment because he's in school. However, I get the feeling that he thinks I'm crazy for feeling bad.

The last few weeks I've been looking into dresses and invitations and venues for receptions and generally enjoying the "I'm getting married!" bit. I plan on riding this high as long as I can, because when it levels off, I know the sadness of missing him will take it's place.

For now, I'm not dwelling on the fact that he's far away, but that we'll have the rest of our lives to make up for this brief separation. I love that man. :)

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