Wedding Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just watched him deliver a sermon...

Okay, it was a video recording of a practice run for a sermon he delivered today at his field church, but still. I may have a problem. He looked so good up there in his preacher man duds, speaking with all that confidence. I kinda just wanted to go grab him and drag him off to a corner. I think that might be frowned upon... even after we're married. But what if I'm not the only female in the congregation that is having thoughts along those lines?! Ohh that will not be a pretty bit of jealousy there. Not that HTB would even notice another female paying attention to him. I have to be blunt with him because he doesn't do subtle.

I'm so proud of him. I really am. He's amazing. :)

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