Wedding Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 14, 2011

Eventful spring break!

It's been a crazy eventful week! So much got done for the wedding, and I got to spend a ton of time with the HTB. (68 days until he goes from 'hubby to be' to just 'hubby' yay!)

Let's see. Where to start... Well, on a sad note. HTB came home from school a couple days early because his grandfather had passed away, and he wanted to attend the memorial service. I took the day off work and went with him. It was a beautiful service, and they served lunch afterward. We got quizzed about our wedding, and I was happy to offer something cheerful to focus on. It truly was a celebration of his life, and not a sad, mourning his death sort of service. He'd been really sick, so it was definitely a blessing to see his suffering end.

After the service, we hung out at HTB's family's house and just spent time together. There was cards, and food, and playing with the baby. Later in the evening, HTB and I got to spend some time together at my place, generally re-learning how to be together after six weeks apart.

Sunday, I worked, quite literally all day. I clocked in before 8am, and when I clocked out to leave for the day, it was almost 10pm. Yes there was a 3 hour or so interval I spent at home between leaving at 5pm and going back at 8:30, but still. It made for a very long day. HTB and I got in his truck after the meeting and went to IHOP and had a cheapy delicious heart attack on a plate type meal, then we went to Walmart, to look at some prices for things, and generally walk around to settle dinner. Then it was back to my place for a little while.

Monday I had to work a late shift and didn't get to see him (sadface!)

Tuesday, he got to my house around 3 or 4 AND I DROVE HIS TRUCK! over to my mom's place. Yep. That's right ladies and gents, he let me drive his truck. That's how much my man loves and trusts me. :P We hung out with my parents, had dinner (chili dogs! I was craving and mom had made chili, I took advantage), then headed back to my place, by 8, so we could watch Glee (more evidence that he loves me... he sat through the whole show). Then it was relax with the remote/snuggle up time until he went home around 2 or 3am.

Wednesday, was a busy busy wedding day. He got to my house around 12:30, and we headed out to meet with the florist. We got all of our flowers taken care of, and at a very reasonable price. Here's hoping the flowers are pretty and alive when we get them :) At the end of our meeting with the florist (all paid), we met up with the photographer (Josi, previously mentioned) and talked with her, got her set up with the details and then went to the church so she could have a look around. I also got to look around and see where my girls and I would be getting ready. (I'm so excited about this, you have no idea).

After the photographer was on her way home, HTB and I stopped for some foods and then headed back to his place where we decided on a hymn for during the service. After that, it was off to church for Ash Wednesday worship. I'd never been to an Ash Wednesday service, so it was completely new to me. Afterward when we were all decorated with our ash crosses on our foreheads, we chatted and yammered and then HTB took me out on our 'Valentine's Day' dinner date that we didn't get to have. We got a lot of looks, but I really didn't care. For some reason, even though I'm slightly uncomfortable during the service because it's unfamiliar, I always just feel GOOD at the end. Then since it was late, back to my place for snuggle up/tv time. It was a really good day.

Thursday, we went over and spent the evening with HTB's other set of parents (mom and step-dad) and the kids. Watched some TV, talked and joked, had another dinner of chili dogs (which made me laugh, and probably factored into my slightly elevated blood pressure today all that sodium!). His mom gave us a couple movies to watch because they were entertaining, and we left around 10, 10:30, and went to Denny's for dessert and coffee. After we finished our calorie fest, I wasn't feelin so hot, so we went across the street to the 24hr grocery store and picked up some Nyquil. I took that when we got back to my place, and he stayed with me until I fell asleep. So super sweet.

Friday, well, Friday started out kinda poorly for me. I'm requesting gift cards/cash/checks as presents, but so many people are all "But what do you need, I want to get you a present"... and I'm all "We don't really need anything because we have enough, and I don't want to pack up a bunch of new stuff when I move in 5 months"... Nobody wants to listen to that though, and.... well, this is rant for another time. I had a bit of a melt down on the phone with my mom, then HTB came to pick me up and we went to Target to maybe make a registry, but I was in such a foul mood just looking at STUFF made me angry. So we went over to my parents' place for a bit then went to the bar to hang out with *my* family. Meaning my parents' and their biker friends. It was a ton of fun (for me anyway, dono about HTB) and the food was good. Then it was back to my place for the rest of the night. We watched a movie, and then he went home.

Saturday was bittersweet. It was our last day together for his trip home, and I won't get to see him again until Easter. We ended up making another visit to his mom's house to see his parents, and his little brother and sister. Then we went to the other family's house (dad and stepmom) for dinner and chill time with the fam. My soon-to-be nephew was there again, and he still loves me. Yay! Along with lots of other family. His brother and sister in law (parents of the nephew), his sister, and his grandmother. His stepmom made some yummy stuffed pork chops and his grandmother made a blueberry pie. Then we left and stopped at walmart for a handful of groceries that I needed, and it was back to my house for the rest of the evening.

I didn't want him to leave. I told him he had to go by midnight or so, so I could get at least six hours of sleep. He didn't leave until almost 2, and then I had to set the clock forward, and work all day Sunday on very little sleep and a lot of sadness that he was gone.

But, just like he's good at, he called me as soon as I got home, because he knew what time I was gonna be there. He's just wonderful like that.

Today I went to the doctor and got my prescription for the pill, so that's in my system and ready to go once we're married.

That's pretty much the summary of my week :)

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