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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some doubts...

No, no doubts about marrying the HTB. I love him, completely and without question. I'm just really really worried about how well I'm going to do in the role of "pastor's wife"... I'm not so sure it's a good fit for me.

I keep telling myself I'm marrying the man, not the job... but in this case, the man is the job. He just can't leave his work at the office and come home.

I don't know if I can handle the constant scrutiny, the 24/7 aspect of the job, and the lack of privacy this type of job will come with. I like being able to relax and be me. If I want to be lazy for a day, and spend it in my pajamas and walk around eating ice cream out of the container, I should be able to do that. Not be expected to be here, there, everywhere and organizing 8253 things.

I don't like that people will be prying into my life, and my background and judging me. I especially don't like that they are likely to find me lacking due to my non-existent religious background.

I hate feeling like I'm not good enough to be the wife he needs. :(

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