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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Irony or Coincidence?

Earlier tonight we were talking about how good things are and how we felt like poo after the smallest of fights, easily resolved and forgotten.

Then of course, later on, we end up in... well... not a fight, per se, but there was definitely an unpleasant tone to the conversation. We're both a little tense because of the distance and how long it's been. But still, little things like that shouldn't happen.

This is a man I know like the back of my hand... and even knowing him that well I still love him more than life. He means the world to me, and I hate it when it even feels like we're possibly skirting around an issue that might turn into a fight eventually.

I want to rant when he doesn't seem to understand where I'm coming from, and I want to shake him when he doesn't respond to my anger or disappointment. In the end, I just let it go. It wasn't important enough to fight about. I won't always do that, though. I hope he knows it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We've done it!

We, as a couple, have made it to the half way point of this first leg of the journey. It may not seem like much, but 24 days without any sort of physical contact is not very easy and I really don't know how military wives/fiances/girlfriends do it.

24 more days until I get to see him again. And when I do, I will likely be glued to his side for the entire week. I never knew I could miss a person so much.

Talking to him every day helps, but it's not the same.