Wedding Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

he was here... then he left.

so he came home for a week and it was wonderful. i cooked for him. i spoiled him rotten. and we finally got the engagement ring on my hand. :) i was on cloud nine all week.

unfortunately i didn't get a chance to write while he was here, but that's okay. now that he's back at school my muse is rested and hopefully the ideas will follow. the writing is a new hobby of mine. it's fun, and allows my creativity to flow. it's not as easy as i thought it would be though. or i'm not as creative as i thought.

either way, i'm writing for me not an audience, so it can be complete drivel as long as i'm happy with putting the words down.

as far as the wedding stuff is going... i hate planning weddings, i'm finding. i figured that even though i dislike weddings, i'd like my own. but i don't. i don't like the frilly formal fuss. i don't want the wedding, i want the marriage.

i want to be his wife, i don't want the big formal EXPENSIVE event to become his wife.

why is it so expensive to get married in front of god and family?